Welcome to Small Transformations.

Prepare to un-frazzle.

In the next 24 hours, you’ll receive an official “welcome” email with information on what’s coming and we’ll kick this baby off.

 In the first email, you’re gonna learn all about strategies to create the space, time, and ritual for home (or hotel) practice, just by doing the things you already love doing and that make you feel good…without the need for fancy yoga clothes or props (or even a mat!!) or a zen-like practice space. You’re gonna love it, and you’ll definitely feel those small (but big) transformations right away if you put it to action.

I’m thrilled you’re here, and I’ve got your back, every step of the way.

Now, if you really want to go deep into this stuff, and understand how to fully commit to time and space for yoga, movement, and mindful practice, you’ll want to sign up for:

Body Intelligence

How to Trust the Intelligence of Your Body to Get Strong & Calm

It’s customized 1×1 movement & yoga guidance at it’s best, all wrapped up in a 6-month program to go deeply into the things that are holding you back from being your best self. And I’ll be there every step of the way to guide and support you.

Seriously… there’s no other program out there that will give you what you ACTUALLY need to feel better in your body and mind with progressive yoga + movement, drizzled with heart and soul – Nothing even comes close.

There’s more info HERE about pricing and how to apply.