I believe that when you bring a sense of CALM and CONNECTION to your body and mind through the practice of yoga and meditation, good things will happen more easily throughout your life. Cheered on by fellow readers, I’m going to help you make this a reality through small, daily mindfulness assignments throughout the month. Bit by bit, day by day, and practice by practice, we’ll work together to help your body and mind work, feel and look better (and we think you’ll feel the same, too).
Do This and You’re 30 Minutes Closer to a Strong & Mobile Body
Assessment tools. Plus Body and mind scan to find pockets of areas that need attention. Give examples of common ones and some solutions. Prioritize with highlighter.
Here’s the Secret Weapon for Finding Time for Your Yoga Practice
Time can be a barrier for practice, so make some time by putting something in the “outbox. ” STOP doing something (No makes way for Yes, Speak Up, Clarity is Power, Don’t Take Any Crap, Freedom is Your Birthright – from Danielle LaPorte). Det a time for 10 minutes and brainstorm on what you can give up to make time for 25 min of movement and breath practice every day. Could be 15 min of FB, 15 min of watching TV. 15 min of busy work that can wait. Make al list of pockets of activities that you can give up to simplify your life. When you catch yourself doing them, use the 5-4-3-2-1 countdown method to stop. Write activities on a post it and put them physically in an outbox so you’ll have a reminder. then when you have broken the habit, burn the post its. Did you find 25 mins (a pomodoro?) Now go do this short 10 min practice. Spend 5 mins reflecting on how you feel after moving and breathing.
This is the Best 20 Minutes You’ll Spend Every Day
Sitting within your house quietly as a guest would and looking around. Sit in every chair in the house and just observe. Meditation practice with the 5 senses to look around, experience your environment without judgment and the a short movement practice to incorporate the use of the senses. Then withdrawal of the senses in Savasana. (20 min practice)
OR – Quadrinity checkin and journaling practice.
Banish Low-Back Pain For Good With This Simple Kitchen Yoga Routine
slay the low back pain monster with this quick and effective practice. Equivalent of paper coming in and accumulating in hot spots and causing overwhelm….tightness and tension in common areas (hip flexors, hamstrings, low back, shoulders).10-minute printable routine that can be printed and put on the fridge for “kitchen yoga” while you’re making your morning drink, etc. Setup a timer on Insight Timer with 1-minute timings and switch moves each minute.
- Neck tilt / rotation / flex & extension
- Hugs arms around –> upper back circles
- 1/2 Sun Salutations with side bend and Grasshopper arms
- Roll Down (3x)
- Hinge (hands at hips, out to side, straight forward) –> fold
- Utkatasana –> twist
- Knee Lift Holds (forward and out to side to unassisted Tree)
- Downdog at kitchen counter
How to Use Your Phone to Help You Commit to Your Practice
Tools for yogis to support home practice. Rules for phone use to eliminate distractions and how to deal with them when they come up. Tools:
- Insight Timer
- Vimeo
- YouTube
- Instagram challenges – words of caution!!
- Headspace
- Podcasts
- Spotify playlists
Assignment: get insight timer and set up 3 things: 10-minute practice with 1-minute intervals, 6-minute Savasana/Restorative posture, 25-min Yoga Practice (5 min setup time and then 20 min practice) Then go to my website and choose 1 of 5 20-minute quick practices. play one of the playlists that go with the practices on Spotify.
A Quick Refresh to Keep Your Neck and Shoulders Feeling Great
Practice in your home practice space with “distraction rules” in place from yesterday. Quick one…so dedicate time to your practice fully.
Intention: Relax and release while building strength in smart, functional ways
Strength building and ROM for neck and shoulder. Incorporate use of yoga tune-up balls or tennis ball on armpit chest area.
Area that holds a lot of tension, so bringing awareness can help release.
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