Practicing movement and breathing can change your whole outlook for the better.
Slow-flow, strength-based yoga + movement classes with mindful awareness are a wonderful way to enjoy your body, your breath, and your mind to lead you toward greater resiliency to deal with the ups and downs of modern life. Offered either in-person (outdoors on a private deck) in Santa Cruz, California or online from anywhere in the world.
Class Schedule
There are two ways to practice with Robin using your Membership, Yoga Class Pass, or a Drop In fee:
1. IN-PERSON (DECK) – outdoors on my private deck at 111 Ponderosa Drive, Santa Cruz, CA (off Graham Hill Rd)
2. ONLINE (video recording – on your own)
*Please note: Advance booking is required for all in-person classes*
In Person Classes (DECK)

The outdoor deck space in Santa Cruz, CA
- REGISTER for the class via the calendar on Hey Marvelous: advance booking is required. Use your Membership, Yoga Class Pass, or a Drop-In fee to access your favorite classes led by Robin.
2. REGISTRATION for class must be made no later than 15mins prior to class; registration can be made up 2 months in advance for each class.
3. CANCELLATIONS must be made no later than 2 hours prior to class (please cancel via the Hey Marvelous website. In the event that you cannot cancel online please email [email protected]). In the event that you do not cancel at least 2 hrs before class you will forfeit the amount paid for the class (Class Pass or Drop In fee); Members will incur a $10 charge. I thank you for your understanding.
1. Advance booking is required: please note that there are 10 mat spaces available on the deck.
2. BYOPs (Bring Your Own Props): a mat, 2 blocks, a blanket and a strap are suggested but not required. Please contact Robin ([email protected]) if procuring props is an issue. I can help you find a set.
3. The practice space will open 10 minutes before the class begins. Please do not come to class late, as it’s very disruptive to other students and to the teacher.
4. Please make all Membership, Class Pass, and Drop In purchases online.
5. For DECK classes: It can be chilly (or hot!!) at any time of the day. We never know. Wear layers.
Inclement Weather Policy
Outdoor classes on the Deck will be cancelled in the event of rain or temps below 40, and your class redemption will be returned to your account. If this occurs, the class cancellation will be reflected on the Class Schedule and registered students will receive an email at least 1 hour before the class time.
Online Classes

We need our yoga practice now, more than ever. Online yoga is a wonderful way to fit more yoga, movement, and breath into your life. Just roll out your mat and begin where you are.
My online classes are thematically designed so that you can learn new things, build upon what you’ve done before, and enjoy a set of 5-8 seasonally-based curated classes that change each month so it’s easier to decide WHAT class to do (the Monthly Yoga Playlists).
I hope you’ll spend time breathing, moving, meditating, and connecting with me and your community, from wherever you are.
Occasionally, I offer what I call Yoga Accountability Sessions where I host a live group. Then I share my screen, hit “Play” on a class, and away we go!
Can’t make the online class in real time? Members can access the Monthly Yoga Playlist all month long, on demand, so you can practice when the time is right for you.
1. Advance registration is required for Yoga Accountability Sessions: sign in for the Online Class via the calendar on Hey Marvelous. Use your Membership to access these sessions (there is no drop-in option for these classes).
2. Registration for class must be made no later than 15 mins prior to class. Similarly, I ask that cancellations also be made no later than 15 mins prior to class.
3. To access the class at class time:
*Log into your account via Robin’s Online Studio on Hey Marvelous
*Select “Calendar”
*Scroll Down to the class date/time for which you registered and click on it
*Select “Join Session”
I suggest signing in a few minutes prior to class to get comfortable with the technology and to make sure the sound level is okay.
4. Can’t make the class in real time? Members can enjoy the pre-recorded classes on their own at any time. Each Monthly Yoga Playlist will be available in the Dashboard when you login.
Class Descriptions

Slow Flow + Strength
This is not your typical yoga flow (vinyasa) class. Rather, we focus on cultivating strength in the body and the mind through functional movements and targeted strength builders so that the rest of your yoga practice and your regular off-the-mat life feels better — more flexible and mobile, more supported, and more confident. The class has slow-flow elements; we use the breath to guide the body and the mind into focus and relaxation so that even the challenging moments feel more easeful.
Who is this class for?
All levels. Beginners welcome. Especially great for “recovering vinyasa yogis” who need to add more strength into their yoga diet.
Come prepared to breathe, move, and listen to the intelligence of your own body!
If you’re just beginning your yoga journey, you have an injury that you are working with, or you have specific questions/goals that would be better addressed outside the group class environment, please read about my approach to yoga and movement here.
In group classes, I’m careful to offer options for all levels and abilities.
I teach a mix of vinyasa flow (moving between poses using the rhythm of the breath) and pose breakdowns/variations/strength builders.
Unique ideas for using props like blocks, straps, blankets, and sometimes the wall to support (or to challenge, hehe) what we are working on in that particular class is something that I’m kind of geeky about.
I often teach using a “ladder flow” structure so that you can learn a sequence of poses and then repeat variations on that flow to practice it and find further refinement as the class progresses.
I will offer detailed action-based cues that encourage a balance of flexibility and stability in the body – take as much of it in as you can and leave the rest.
The energetic practice is largely one of paying attention, developing awareness, opening up to greater energy outside the self and being HERE in your body/mind so you can connect more fully to community and family off the mat.
Most classes will feature a mix of centering/breathwork, sun salutations, standing postures, balancing poses, backbends, inversions, seated postures, twists, and a final relaxation.
If you’re new to the art of varying yoga postures to fit your own body and level of movement awareness, working with me privately can help you prepare for group classes, so you can find pose variations that fit your body and support your practice more fully.
Robin helps me slow down a little without sacrificing breath and the strength and flexibility of the flow.
I love how each practice she teaches has been different; she offers a variety of poses, which is great, seeing how a lot of teachers will teach the same flow time and time again. Most of the other classes I go to are more of a power flow vinyasa, so the pace of Robin’s class is a gentle reminder for me to take a step down from time to time. Her class is also a good pace for beginners, again without sacrificing the strength of the practice.

Robin helped me heal from multiple injuries!
I’ve had some great yoga teachers in the past 20 years of practice, and although Kundalini is really my Yoga home, Robin is one of the best yoga teachers I have ever experienced. Her class, more than all the bodywork I’ve gotten over the past 2.5 years, gets the greatest credit for helping me heal from the injuries of a horrible car accident I suffered in 2012, injuries that recurred during pregnancy and after a C-section in 2016. Robin has always helped me feel welcome, respected and included. Her support in giving me–and all of us–adaptations of the harder poses, and permission to attend to our individual bodies, has been amazing! Robin’s depth and breadth of knowledge and experience is felt in every minute of her class. Neophyte teachers race through places where they should pause, or get focused on achieving rather than being. Robin has impeccable pacing, every time. Her classes are never repetitive or routine and I really love the variety in her classes.
Robin’s classes always feel like one looooooong, lovely, exhale.
What sets Robin apart is her commitment to form. In 10+ years of practice, I’ve never met another instructor who could break down a pose as thoroughly and effectively. She brings the same methodical approach to every pose, from downward-facing dog to astavakrasana. She gives useful cues to engage the right muscles and prevent injury. She makes the impossible possible! My strength and flexibility improved in leaps and bounds once we began working together. Challenge poses that had always seemed far out of reach became a regular part of my practice.
Robin has tremendous skill and knowledge. It’s so clear that she puts a great deal of time and effort into preparing her classes and that speaks to the care and respect she has for her students. Her manner is soothing and calm; her classes always feel like one loooooong, lovely, exhale. She is the ideal instructor for yogis of all levels. If you’re unrolling your mat for the first time in Robin’s class, you are so lucky! You will literally begin your yoga journey on the right foot.