Essential oils for better results in practice and life

Support your yoga practice, your body and your mind with high-quality therapeutic grade essential oils.

Ease your muscles and joints.

Reduce inflammation in the body.

Relieve stress.

Sleep well.

Work with your emotions in a way to better manage your work and your family life so you can handle the chaos from a settled, confident space. All in way that feels  honest, lovely,  and feminine. 


Essential Oils for Better Results in Practice and Life

3 Ways to Get My Recommended Brand of Essential Oils

All of the following options gets you into my sweet and supportive essential oil community. 

This community includes simple tutorials for using the oils you order, a monthly community call to answer your questions, and a sharing of best practices for professional and personal routines.

All of it completely supports the yoga and movement practice. And you’re invited! 

Option 1 – (BEST DEAL) Save 25% off retail with a Starter Kit and free wholesale account
Becoming a member of doTERRA Essential Oils is a little bit like joining Costco to receive their wholesale pricing. But instead of Costco, it’s doTERRA essential oils.

The first year is free to join with one of their starter kits (also called “enrollment kits”), and after the first year, it’s $25 per year and comes with a free full sized bottle of Peppermint, which retails at $29. So, basically free after the first year. This provides you with wholesale pricing on everything they have to offer. Cool!

To get started, select the “Get Some Oils” link below, then choose your region and language and hit “Continue” and then fill out the information and select the “Wholesale Customer” option and choose a starter kit. There are a variety for you to choose from.

I recommend the AromaTouch Diffused Kit. It’s got some lovely basic oils, a bottle of coconut oil for dilluting, and a diffuser. Definitely get one that comes with a diffuser if you don’t have one.

NOTE: When joining, skip the “Loyalty Reward Program” sign up, UNLESS you plan on placing a regular monthly order of oils and want to take advantage of their “earn free products” benefits. You can always change your mind later. To be clear, there is no need or obligation to purchase anything else after your first order.

If you’re ordering outside of the USA, click here to select your region using this ID # 1234304.

Option 2 – Pay the $35 wholesale membership fee and choose the items you want at a 25% savings
You can put together you’re own custom starter kit and choose what you want. In this case, you will pay $35 for the wholesale membership for the first year and then everything you order will be at a 25% savings.

This is great if you want to select specific items or for a specific focus.

1) For example, if you want to add essential oils to your yoga practice, I recommend a grounding oil blend called Balance, followed by an invigorating citrus oil like Wild Orange or Peppermint, and then a oil for meditation like Cedarwood (or, if you want to splurge, Sandalwood). The Yoga Collection is also nice, and includes these three oils: Anchor, Align, and Arise.

(2) Or, if to support sore muscles and joints… search for the “Athlete’s Kit.” It comes in an easy to carry pouch for easy pack and go traveling. Other oils that are great on their own for this are Deep Blue (it also comes in a rub), AromaTouch (the massage blend…great on neck and shoulders), and Cypress (the oil of motion and flow). 

(3) Or, if inflammation is your focus, you might try a bottle of Ginger or Wild Orange (really, any of the citrus oils are great for detoxing so Lime, Lemon, or Grapefruit are also great), the Zendocrine detoxification blend, Tumeric to add to your morning chai, or my favorite, Frankincense (a powerhouse oil). 

(4) Or, if you need better sleep , you might focus on your nighttime routine by custom selecting the following items: a bottle of Serenity essential oil to diffuse in your bedroom (or the Sernity capsules), a bottle of Copaiba to rub into your temples, and a bottle of Lavender or Frankincense (a drop diluted with coconut oil rubbed into your feet is lovely).

Whatever you choose, I can show you how to use what you order in a variety of ways in your work and personal life.

To get started, click on the following “Get Some Oils” link and select your region and language and “Continue,” then complete the information and choose “Wholesale Customer” and then choose a “custom” enrollment kit option.

Option 3 – If you would like just one or two bottles, shop retail and skip the wholesale savings
Select the Shopping Cart icon in the upper right-hand corner, and then click “Shop Now” on the following “Get Some Oils” link and simply search for what you like. 

Consider the mini “Travel Kit” (it has my top 3 oils in it!) or “Intro Kit.” All very affordable. 

Or try ONE bottle of Wild Orange. It’s like a good mood in a bottle! 

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