Video + Audio

 Give yourself the gift of functional movement, strength-building flows and incorporated drills, and mindful theming so you can connect to YOURSELF, and expand higher energy out into the world.

I hope these video and audio practices help to support your body-mind, and give a taste of what my teaching is like. Get access to more practices like these through the ever-evolving library of classes with me via the Patreon platform for a (very affordable) monthly tuition. 


Move. Breathe. Get Strong. Find Calm. 

Intuitive Visioning Meditation

Breathwork for Intuitive Visioning

Style: Meditation

Level: All Levels

Duration: 10 min

Use this short guided breath-based meditation practice to help you ground, calm, and anchor before you do any kind of planning or visioning work.

Proceed As The Way Opens

Style: Flow

Level: All Levels

Duration: 53 min

Move through breathwork, side bends, twists, and balancing postures using your own body and breath to guide your practice. In this way, we “proceed as the way opens” (a Quaker saying) to make choices about practice (and LIFE) when there doesn’t seem to be a roadmap. You’re invited to vary your postures in a variety of ways and to just explore moving and following your breathing. Poses included are Bird Dog (opposite arm/leg extensions in All 4s, Twisted Chair, Eagle, Warrior 3, Seated Twists, and more). Enjoy proceeding as YOUR way opens.

Ocean Flow to Get Unstuck

Style: Flow

Level: All Levels

Duration: 63 min

Enjoy this full-body flow practice that invites movement, flow, and fluidity so you can get “unstuck,” both on and off the mat. This flow includes repeating elements so you can get into the fluid movement of your breath in an easeful and inviting way. Includes a lunge flow, Moon Salutations, Warrior 1, Side Plank, Pigeon, and some great hip and twisting work. Two blocks and a blanket are optional props.

Hip Strengthening #1 + Foundations of Practice

Style: Strengthening Series

Level: All Levels

Duration: 60 min

The first in a series of practices to help you get to know your hips better, this class invites you to settle into the foundations of practice. Simple, but advanced, use the senses to arrive in the present moment, notice the feeling of breathing, and find the muscles and bones of the body in the interior spaces of YOU. For this first hip practice, we explore moves such as Hip CARs (Controlled Articular Rotations for mobility), Toe to Knee Rocks into a Squat or into Chair, some static and dynamic balancing in Tree and in a move called Rock the Clock, and lots more. We’ll also enjoy classic yoga poses like Warrior 1 and 2, Pigeon, Triangle, and Supported Bridge. You can look forward to adding onto this practice to repeat and refine, plus add some challenges in the 3rd practice in this series. Your hips will thank you! You’ll need 2 blocks for this practice. 

For additional classes in this Hip Strengthening series, please click here.

Style: Strengthening Series

Level: All Levels

Duration: 60 min

Get connected to the “core” of your body, AND your life with this first class in a strengthening series focused on the dynamic support system located in the middle of your body. When the whole inner unit of the torso is strong and integrated, all of your movements can feel better and more confident as you move through life. This class starts with a mini Savasana (yay!) so you can connect to your inner landscape, and then moves onto some reclined core work and a Segmented Cat/Cow. You’ll also practice Side Plank variations held for about 30 seconds, and lots of core-activated standing poses, like Warrior 2, Reverse Warrior, Extended Side Angle, and Triangle Pose. You’ll leave this class feeling illuminated, energized, and relaxed. 2 blocks, a bolster/pillow and/or a wall are recommended. 

For additional classes in this Core Strengthening series, please click here.

Release The Threads In Your Body (Forearm Stand Practice)

Style: Flow

Level: Level 2

Duration: 60 min

Use this practice to relax, stretch, and release energy in the threads of your body that needs to GO. Begin with a lovely upper back opener, and then move into some solid core work to connect you to center and to your breathing. Stretch the toes and the shoulders to wake them up and release tension. Then we FLOW through a vinyasa practice that includes lots of Dolphin/Forearm Plank shapes, Side Plank, Fallen Triangle, Pyramid, Standing Split, and Wild Thing. We end with a visit toward Forearm Stand (the stage with one leg lifted in Dolphin) and then just REST in Supported Bridge/ Savasana of your choice. We work hard, but it’s all integrated, calm, and infused with the breath. Two blocks will be helpful, plus a small blanket/beach towel. 

Deep Core Yoga Practice

Tap into Inner Power

Style: Flow

Level: Level 2

Duration: 41 min

Filmed on April 4, 2020, the numerology of 4-4-2020, or 444 is the focus of this class. So an exploration of the 4 elements (fire, earth, water, air) as a way to tap into inner power and wisdom is the theme. We use core work to tap into the Fire of the belly, grounding of the body into the Earth, movement to feel the element of Water, and of course breathing to feel Air. Strengthen your wrists with some wrist taps (humbling!!), and then enjoy a knees-down flow sequence eventually comes up to standing and Tree pose. We play with Bakasana (Crow Pose) before coming down to rest in the integrative state of inner wisdom, Savasana. You’ll need 2 blocks and a blanket for this practice. 

Robin’s thoughtfully-prepared practice videos are a gift.

“I am learning so much from my Shelter-in-Place regular practice with your videos! I really appreciate the continuation of themes and the introduction of new themes. I have been trying to practice daily, which is a gift of this challenging time. Thank you for your very thoughtfully prepared practice videos!”

Jean Gallager-Heil, Scotts Valley, CA


I love the under-an-hour timeframe for practice.

“Robin, you’re so artful at making it work within the time allotted, and have such a skillful way of guiding the practice. I’m always so grateful to be under your instruction!”

Joy Pacetti, Santa Cruz, CA

Massage and Cranial-sacral Therapist

I find presence and breathe.

“Thank you for this library! When I can’t make a live outdoor class, which I so appreciate, I can still make time and enjoy your strong, gentle guiding hand and voice as I find presence and breathe. Yay.”

Emily Dubois, Santa Cruz, CA


Settle Nervous System Yoga Practice

Settle the Nervous System

Style: Flow + Restorative

Level: All Levels

Duration: 68 min

Use this practice to move into the parasympathetic nervous system (“PNS”) so you can restore your body and mind, replenish energy, and cultivate mindful presence.  We start with a restorative posture to relax the Psoas muscle, then move into a slow-flow practice with lots of grounding, breath-initiated movement, and asymmetrical play. Use this practice whenever you need a little self-care. A couple of blankets or towels will be helpful, as will 2 blocks. A pillow or bolster is also recommended. Soak up this practice! 

Restorative: Settle and Clear Your System

Style: Restorative

Level: All Levels

Duration: 24 min

Three restorative poses, 5 minutes each. This practice uses the analogy of a glass of water with sand in it that has been stirred and invites you to let the sand in your system settle and your water to clear. You’ll need 2 blankets or towels and 2 blocks for this practice. 

Click Here for Recommended Playlist on Spotify 

Grateful for the connection!

“Great class! So good to feel connected to a community during this isolating time.”

Mia Teese, Santa Cruz, CA

Flight Attendant

Practicing from home is wonderful and sweet!

“That was GREAT! Thanks! My wife Joan and I did the online class – really cool – so did our doggie! She got in the way a few times – but worth it! Very sweet. Besides the yoga, I just always appreciate what you have to say…positive attitude and very thoughtful. I appreciate YOU! Thanks again!”

Michael Howe, Santa Cruz, CA

SC Library Planning Accountant

Robin’s verbal instruction is excellent and allows me to focus inward.

“That was a great class! Even when I was in class with you in person, I usually have my eyes closed  and I’m focused inward and following your excellent, clear vocal instruction. Thank you!”

Kathryn Gestri, Santa Cruz, CA

Technical Writer

I hope these practices help to support your body-mind, and give a taste of what my teaching is like. Get access to more practices like these through the ever-evolving library of classes with me via the Patreon platform. Click on the link below to subscribe.