Foundations of Flow - Lesson 4

Fire Up Your Flow
Lesson 4: Fire Up Your Flow

Practice staying awake and alert, while remaining completely relaxed in this final Fundamental Flow!

Now that you’re getting into the flow of the traditional Sun Salutation A and several standing poses, we’re going to add in a variation: Surya Namaskar B (Sun Salutation B).  The Sun Salutation B is a little more fiery and intense than the A version, so enjoy building this heat in the body! We’ll also play with some fun and different ways to add our first arm balance (Side Plank) into the flow of a Sun Salutation. We will also cruise through a balance challenge where you’ll get to practice a few standing balance poses, followed by some hip opening and some seated forward folds. We’ll finish with relaxing, BIG TIME, in a lovely restorative, posture, Stonehenge.

Recommended props: 2 blocks, a blanket, and a bolster

Fire Up Your Flow – Full Practice

45 min 

Ready for more? Check out my full class library and special courses to expand your practice. Namaste!

Short Tutorials

These short videos are more instructional in nature, so watch them when you want to refine or review something, or if you just have time for a very short practice.

Guided Breath Work – Breath of Fire

5 min

Quick Warm Up (Reclined Sun Salutations)

6 min

Side Plank in Stages

10 min

Shoulder Flow – Strengthen & Open (Side Plank + Rabbit)

9 min

Sun Salutation B (Surya Namaskar B)

11 min

Balance Challenge (Standing Knee to Chest Series –> Eagle Pose –> Dancer’s Pose)

15 min

Props: 2 blocks

Seated Forward Folds
10 min

Props: blanket

Guided Relaxation (Stonehenge)

5 min

Props: 2 blocks, bolster, blanket